Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pain... Chapter 2

The painful shoulder is still with me. It has improved greatly, but many activities will bring on a fresh twinge, or a 'catch your breath and hope you don't pass out' stabbing pain. I'm trying very, very hard not to let it limit me any more than what I already am... and that is difficult.

When did I become this person who measures her days (and nights) in stretches of pain? Sometimes it is bearable, others not so much. Just when I think I'm doing pretty well with the painful knees, then this had to happen with my shoulder. Sometimes it's more than I can bear.

My husband and son are so solicitous, offering to help with so many things. But they already have plenty to do... why should they have to carry things for me, lift things for me, wash windows for me, do the vacuuming, and always, always, one of them is keeping an eye on me as I try to weed my flower beds. 'Now, that's enough for today.' or 'Let me help you with that.' or 'I think you need to take a break now.'

I love them even more for wanting to take care of me, but I also resent the pain that puts me in this position of 'needing help'!

Bear with me as I wait impatiently for this current pain to heal...

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