Saturday, January 10, 2009

Household Hints?

I am sitting down, waiting for a Tylenol to dull the pain in my hips and knees. Why? Housework. Here are some tips I thought of as I was painfully pushing and pulling the vacuum across the living room floor:

  • Only vacuum when absolutely necessary. Like when the Pope is coming for a visit. (No, I'm not Catholic, but that seems like an important enough event to warrant hauling out the machine)
  • Cobwebs in the corners can only be seen when the morning light hits them just right. So? Wait to vacuum when the afternoon sun is out, or when it's cloudy. Right? No, wait, I'm too tired from laundry by then.
  • Beg for a washer and dryer to be installed on the main floor of the house. That's where you change clothes, take showers, sleep, right? I've done the begging, but there is absolutely no room for a laundry area on the main floor until our son: finishes school, gets a job, moves out. OK, not his fault that my legs hurt.
  • Morning light highlights so many things: crumbs on the counters that you thought you had cleaned thoroughly after supper last night, petals that dropped off a plant that Maynard actually didn't eat but chewed and spit out, dust balls under the stools by the kitchen counter... the list goes on...
  • Clean the bathroom daily, NO MATTER WHAT! I don't care if you are tired, or your legs hurt, this is a MUST! Am I being too definite on this? I don't think so. It's one room, along with the kitchen that I clean no matter how I feel. So there.
  • Bedrooms - each person takes care of their own bedroom. Even washing their sheets, thank you. I raised them right! (Yes, even my husband)
  • The refrigerator - now that is a different story. If something spills, wipe it up immediately. Then clean it only when you can't find anything amid all the left-overs. Nuff said.
Well, I got that out of my system, the Tylenol is kicking in a bit, and I think I can tackle vacuuming the hallway and my bedroom now. Thanks for listening.

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