Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Dear Little Friend...

Well, today Sony is almost back to normal! She is alert, eating (although sparingly), and follows me around as usual.
You can tell, though, that the incident last night really took its toll on her. She is moving slower today, and takes little naps more often. And she doesn't let me out of her sight!
She will be getting no more 'people' food!!! Well, maybe a little frozen yogurt in the evening...she just loves that. But one teaspoon is all she gets.
I have had several pets over the years, both cats and dogs. However, this little sweetheart is so very special to me. It's hard to believe that she is 14 years old!


Loralee Choate said...

I tried and tried to comment on the post where you said she was sick but it wouldn't let me. I tried all day. Grrr.

I am so glad that she is feeling better.

I think that is one very lucky dog to be owned by you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! So glad she is feeling better...poor lil gal... :)

Anonymous said...

The poor little thing. I am glad to hear she is doing better. I had a lab, Toby, for fifteen years, and, until this day, I still love and miss her. She was part of the family. And, being an only child, she was like a sister to me...LOL.