Friday, January 18, 2008


It's cold in northern Minnesota. No surprise, really. But for the past few years, we have had fairly mild winters. So this recent cold snap is a little harder on us!

Forecasters are saying that the wind chill factor this weekend will be -30 to -40 degrees. For those of you in warmer situations (hi Sean!), you can freeze your skin off your face in just a few minutes in that kind of cold!

I can remember a winter in the late 70's. We lived in Duluth and had come to visit my parents here in Walker for a long weekend. They had a small oil burner, but relied on a huge old-fashioned furnace in the basement that burned wood. My husband spent Saturday morning helping my dad throw more wood into the basement. They were bundled up well, but when they came inside, my husband's beard and mustache were full of icicles! It was a COLD day!!! I think the thermometer was something like -25 degrees that day. Wind chill was close to -50... Aahhh, the good old days!

Right now, my husband and son are keeping our Wilkening fireplace stoked up. We have electric heat throughout the house, but having the fireplace in the basement going on such cold days really helps!


Anonymous said...

It is so cold here to too. I am glad you are staying warm! I cannot wait until spring. Anthony is already getting restless and wants to play outside! And, I feel the same way.


Sharon said...

Oh Julie!!! So great to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by!!!!!!!!!