What did I do so far today? I met with a young lady for a fitting. She will be a bridesmaid in TWO upcoming weddings! She is a childhood friend of our daughter, and she is a married lady now with three beautiful (and well-behaved) young children. It was great catching up with her!
Maynard was a PILL! She barked and barked at her and her kids! I had to put her upstairs, and she still kept barking! If anyone knows how to stop this obnoxious behavior, please let me know!
I watered all my plants on the deck, took a large pitcher of water out to the bird bath (which was totally dry!) Cleaned up dog poo in the back yard, and took out the garbage. Took a completed sewing job to my car for delivery tomorrow. And I was up and down the stairs several times doing laundry.
Now, what's wrong with this picture? Nothing, you say? Well, apparently the gods of pain and discomfort thought it was an AWESOME time to tell me that I shouldn't be doing stairs more than once a day. Additionally, I shouldn't walk around on uneven ground... maybe, just maybe, I shouldn't even try to walk anymore!!!! Yah, try that for even half a day and see what it gets you!
So, I've taken a pain pill, and plan to sew for the rest of this evening.
I wonder if I'll ever be able to dance again..........
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