These four rocks are in memory of Misty, a 3 lb. toy poodle who passed away at 15 yrs. old. MISTER, a 20 lb. Maine coon cat, 10 yrs. old. Bridget, the mother of Sony and Tiny. And the latest death was Tiny, 4 lbs. and totally devoted to my husband.
Some people think this is silly. But it helps to do something for these loving friends who were so loyal and brought us so much joy.
This is Tiny. She lived to be 14. She was very ill toward the end, though. We didn't want to see her suffer any more, so Dale took her in to the vet. She was his dog. He told me the vet gave her TWO shots just to relax her, and when the final injection was given, she still reached around and bit the vet! The vet had never, ever had that happen before! Dale was very sad about losing his friend, but so proud of her for being so tough to the very end.

This is MISTER. And, yes, it was always capitalized!
This is my favorite picture of Tiny and Sony. They were very patient,
waiting to see if Colin would drop any crumbs...
You probably already know this, but click on the pictures to see them larger...
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