Saturday, October 31, 2009

I Think I'll Take a Break Now...

I just completed quilt/blanket #202 for "Project Linus"... This a batch of embellished fleece blankets. I hem the edges, then machine embroider designs all around the hem. Then place a fabric 'panel' in the middle of the blanket, securing all the edges, and outlining various parts of the design with more stitches.

(By the way, that is my hair sticking out on the left side of my head. No... my ears do NOT stick out like that, thank you very much!)

I think it's time I take a break from this project. I love doing it, however, I also want to make several things for family members for Christmas. If I don't start soon, they won't get done on time!

Had rain all day yesterday, snow and ice last night. Today the sun came out and snow and ice are melting! Tomorrow should be even warmer. Sure a crazy fall this year!

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