Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day...

My great-great grandfather, Amos Fisk, (second from left), who served in the Civil War as a drummer boy.

My grandfather, Charles, with my grandmother before he left for France in WWI.

My uncle, Dick, who served 4 years in the Navy, then 20 years in the Air Force with me and my brother, Jim.

My dad and I after he returned from serving in Germany during WWII.

Our daughter, Stacy(six years in the Navy), and her dad, (20 years in the Navy).

I also had a cousin who was killed in Viet Nam, his brother was a Marine in Okinawa, my mother's brother drove a tank in WWII, both of my brothers were in the National Guard, and one then served four years in the Navy.

We are blessed to live in a free country, thanks to all the men and women who have served our country.


Sue said...

Okay, first of all, that is INCREDIBLE. You must be SO proud.

And secondly, I can't believe you recommended me on Loralee's blog! You're too sweet! Thank you!

By the way, are you guys still free of snow?

daringtowrite said...

Wow! Great photos. I especially like the one of little you with your Uncle Dick and brother Jim.