Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today was sunny! We've had several days of clouds and rain, so the sun was very welcome. Yes, the rain was welcome also, we had over 5 1/2 inches last week! That will help the trees and grass.

Just finished up a couple of sewing jobs for customers. This fall has been pretty slow. I'm not complaining, though. It has given me time to catch up on other sewing... for 'Project Linus' and for the layettes for Lutheran World Relief.

I've planted more spring bulbs - some tulips, hyacinths and irises. So I'm already looking forward to spring and some new colors in the rock garden.

Not much news here, hope everyone is enjoying the last days of fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have had a lot of rain too, so when the sun was finally out, I was very happy.

Sounds like you have been busy in the yard. I am hoping to be doing the same in the next few days. Plus, the garden needs to be plowed under for the year. It is hard to believe summer is over, but the 200 and some pints of goodies I canned from the garden tell me otherwise (along with the frost)