Monday, October 20, 2008

My Favorite Family Members....(after my husband and kids)

This is my brother, Mick, his wife, Beth, and their daughter, Erica. They bought our mom's house next to us, and maintain it as a summer retreat. Unfortunately, their jobs in Mpls keep them very busy, and they can't come up as often as they like, or as often as WE would like to see them!
We had them over Saturday night for grilled turkey and potato salad. They brought the cole slaw. Lots of good talk and laughs.
They left this morning, and it is always so hard to see them go... It means a long winter without the warmth of their company.
Mick and Beth hoping to move up here permanently when they retire. I can hardly wait!!!


Aspen said...

Great smiles :)

I hope they can retire soon and join you.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely photo. It will be wonderful having them close. Grilled turkey sounds yummy!