Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's the Little Things...

Since our children are grown, and I've retired from teaching, I find it difficult to see what I have accomplished each day.

I taught for over 20 years here in Walker, while raising a son and daughter, taking care of a HUGE garden every summer, and canning 250+ quarts of the veggies each fall. The kids were busy with school, homework, school activities, friends, but always had chores that they were responsible for: keeping their own rooms clean, doing their own laundry, and helping with other things in the house and yard. And yes, before you wonder, my husband did TONS of things also, especially the mowing of our very large (3+acres) of yard.

Nothing out of the ordinary, this was just our life. However, now I find that getting the 'little' things done gives me almost as much satisfaction. You know, emptying wastebaskets, taking recyclables out to the garage, doing laundry for just the two of us, taking my puppy for a walk, weeding my flowerbeds, and of course, spending time on the computer. I make quilts for Project Linus, edit books for Seeing Hands, and make layettes for Lutheran World Relief. In between all these 'little things', I still sew for other people.

Not much of a point to this post... sometimes I just need to stop and think about what I do get done around here.

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