Monday, August 18, 2008


This week is starting off great... 80+ temps each day... no rain in sight...Yueck!

It's hard to start anything, and even harder to complete tasks. I start to sweat, it runs into my eyes and glasses... oh, how I hate that! Yesterday, I managed to get three loads of laundry done, but that was mostly because the washer and dryer are in the basement, and it was SO nice and cool down there!

On a happier note, Dale's little garden has been producing enough green beans, that we can have a nice batch now and then. They are so sweet and delicious! NOTHING like the crap they sell in cans! He's also picking a couple of cucumbers every other day. But he eats them all by himself...Hmmmm....???? Then a neighbor came by today with a basket full for us! So I guess I will get some after all!


Anonymous said...

It is hot and sticky here too making it hard to be outside for too long. Glad the garden is going well; nothing beats homegrown produce. I have been busy canning goodief from my garden. After a very slow start, the plants are finally producing lots of veggies. I hope your summer is going well. One of these days, I will have to update my blog. I have been spending more time on Facebook nowadays. Anthony is doing great; he will be to on Sept. 4th. I cannot beleive how fast he is growing. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Holy spelling errors - this is what happens when your son has ripped off seven of your keyboard keys! LOL!

Sharon said...

SO good to hear from you!I keep checking your blog...