Monday, July 07, 2008


I have not posted anything for quite some time. Bad blogger? Boring life? Busy life? I think it is a bit of all three...

I've been busy working on a project for a sewing customer... she ordered a custom-designed pattern for a wrap-style top. It has a collar, 3/4 length sleeves with cuffs, and of course long ties that wrap around the body and tie at the side. I don't know if it is the hot, humid weather, or what, but I'm having trouble concentrating on each step of the construction! So I only work on it for an hour or so at a time to forestall any major mistakes.

This top is a sort of 'practice' run for a two-piece outfit that she wants me to make for her to wear to her grandson's wedding. I'm not quite sure if she wants to see how I do with it, or how it will look on her.

Her daughter spent many years working for Prince as his wardrobe coordinator, and has given her the addresses of some top fabric houses in New York and San Fransisco to get swatches from. She already has swatches from some places in Minneapolis. (Would you believe they are listed from $25 to $45 a yard?????

Now you need to know that this woman is an accomplished seamstress herself. She makes most of her own clothing. I asked her why she decided to have ME make this outfit for the wedding.... Her answer? "Everyone says you are the best!"

Now, this should make me feel really good about my abilities, right? So why am I so nervous about the whole project?????


Aspen said...

I could see how that might be a bit intimidating. But I have faith in you. Just find the joy! You like to sew right?

Sharon said...

'Just find the joy'.... what a wonderful piece of advice!!!
Thank you!!!

Loralee Choate said...

Man, that would be intimidating for sure, but I have faith you can do it. You are a WONDERFUL seamstress!

Aspen said...

I'd love to get together with you again before I leave. I'm free quite a bit this weekend or next week... Give me a call?