Saturday, June 21, 2008

Baby Steps...

I worked a bit in one of my flower beds today... the big one that is three levels... Here is a picture from a couple years ago. I can no longer climb in and out of the different levels with ease. Each step I take is well calculated to inflict the least amount of pain on my knees... but I did work out there for a good amount of time. It felt good! I was all tired, sore and sweaty when I finally went in the house for a shower and some sitting down time. My son was close by working on various things, and I think that was a calculated move on his part... to see if his old crickety mom could handle it without falling on her butt! Bless his heart!

The latest puppy news is: Maynard likes to lie by my feet when I'm at the computer. No problem you say? Well, I heard her YIP, then run out from under the desk. I looked under the desk, and found out that she had chewed through a cord to my speakers! My son said it was good it wasn't a full power load! She got zapped, but with low voltage. Do you think she learned anything? Man, I sure hope so. We have a lot of cords in this house, and most of them are full-powered!


Anonymous said...

It always feels so good to play in the dirt!

daringtowrite said...

What a beautiful setting. Looks like you've done lots of work on your gardens.