Monday, February 11, 2008

A Breakthrough...

Remember the pictures of our little dogs with their sweaters on?

Well, early this morning Sony had to go out. It was -21 degrees, so I carried her downstairs and put her on the papers in the 'potty' area. She tucked her tail down (but still managed to wag it), and just looked back at me... So... I took her back upstairs and opened the back door. When the cold blast of air hit her, she backed up and ran back to the bedroom.

I had left her sweater on the end of the bed, so I picked it up and she actually JAMMED her head in the opening, let me fit her legs in, and then she ran back to the door! I let her out, she did her 'business' and ran back in.

She was actually GRINNING at me! Those of you who have dogs know that look! She was so proud of herself!

And I feel like a good 'dog mommy'!


Berne said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me smile! Such a cute story.