Thursday, January 24, 2008

In the Middle of the Night...

Anyone remember that song? The song has nothing to do with this post, just saying what it made me think of.

I've been in bed, in the recliner with an ice pack, walking around, back in bed, back in the recliner...can't get to sleep...knee won't stop hurting.

The temperature outside is -26 degrees. Good Gravy! as my grandmother used to say!

Any ideas on how to get to sleep when something hurts? How long can a person go without a decent night's sleep? I read somewhere that we need less sleep as we get older. How much less? Can we get by for very long on just an hour here and there? Won't the brain start doing crazy things? OK, I hear you... Sharon's brain is ALREADY doing crazy things! Yes, I know. Sorry about that, folks.

My poor little dog is just exhausted, following me around. Right now she's asleep on the pillow I have for her here in my workroom.

My son has been up several times to put wood in the fireplace. Hate to think of the electric company turning off the 'ripple' control to our electric heat on a night like this! I think they try to avoid doing it on these really frigid nights. It's nice to have the 'ripple' though. We get a cheaper rate on our electricity for having it. They can turn it off for a couple hours during their 'peak demand' times if they need to.

Well, should I try going back to bed? Or should I just stay up?


Anonymous said...

Oh Sharon, you poor thing. I hope and pray that all of this is behind you very, very soon.

I wish we had a wood burning stove/fireplace. I just love the smell of a fire - especially one made with birch logs. It reminds me of the North Shore. Whenever I smell this smell, a sense of peace and relaxtion comes over me. It is amzing how powerful the sense of smell really is when you think about it.

Stay warm and get better soon! Have a great weekend.


Sharon said...

Thanks, Julie. Today is better!
I know what you mean about the wood fire. We have mostly oak, and it smells so sweet!