Sunday, November 25, 2007

Smarts...Or Lack Thereof...

Pain...excruciating pain...

Why you ask? When I've been writing about LESS pain, daily improvement in movement, taking WAY less pain medication, the ability to do much more than just a couple weeks ago...?

Well... it was putting on socks. Yes, folks, putting on my stupid support stockings. Somehow, twisted the damned knee! So here I am, sitting. Sitting with another half a pain pill in my gullet. Sitting with an ice pack on the knee. Sitting.

You can't do much while Yes. Sewing? Yes. Reading? Yes. Laundry? No. Driving my car? No. Walking? Only with the walker to get more ice. Lying down? Not good either. Somehow, sitting with the knee bent seems to be the best option right now.

Complaining is over for now...


Berne said...

bummer! One step forward, 2 steps back. It sounds like you've been doing much better generally...hopefully it won't bother you for too long!

Loralee Choate said...

One of the worst bouts of pain I've had with my back was because I was getting a sweater out of the dryer.

It can be something so simple.

I know you are frustrated, and it does seem to be taking its sweet time healing, but you are doing a great job coping. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you have had quite a bit on your plate lately.

You are just the best, Sharon. So dedicated, and sweet. (But I secretly love that you can also curse on the rare occasion!).

Hang on, and hopefully, like Berne said, it won't be much longer.